Elephants: Earth's Largest Land Animal

Elephants: Earth's Largest Land Animal
Elephants: Earth's Largest Land Animal
Elephants are the largest land animals alive today. The African elephant can weigh up to 6,000 kilograms and reach up to 4 meters in height at the shoulder.
Complex Emotional Creatures
Complex Emotional Creatures
Elephants are known for their complex emotions. They can express joy, anger, grief, and compassion. Remarkably, they have been observed participating in communal grieving rituals.
Incredible Memory Capacity
Incredible Memory Capacity
The phrase 'an elephant never forgets' is not unfounded. Elephants have impressive long-term memory, essential for survival in the wild, aiding them in retracing migratory routes and recognizing individuals.
Matriarchal Social Structure
Matriarchal Social Structure
Elephant herds are matriarchal. A dominant female leads the group, which consists mainly of her female offspring and their young. Males leave the herd upon reaching adolescence.
Communicators with Seismic Signals
Communicators with Seismic Signals
Elephants communicate over long distances using infrasound, below the frequency that humans can hear. These low-frequency vibrations can travel over the ground faster than sound through the air.
Elephants and Their Jumbo Swim
Elephants and Their Jumbo Swim
Elephants are excellent swimmers and can swim for hours, using their trunks as snorkels to breathe while submerged.
Learn.xyz Mascot
What is the African elephant's maximum weight?
Up to 6,000 kilograms
Around 4,000 kilograms
Nearly 5,000 kilograms