Evolution of Web Technologies

Early Web Origins
Early Web Origins
In 1991, Tim Berners-Lee introduced the first web standards with HTML. The initial version of HTML had 18 tags, including basic structural elements like <p> and <h1>. It was groundbreaking but lacked multimedia support.
Rise of CSS
Rise of CSS
CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) was introduced in 1996. Amazingly, it took almost three years for CSS to gain widespread adoption, as early browsers had inconsistent support, making web design highly unpredictable.
JavaScript Transformations
JavaScript Transformations
JavaScript, launched in 1995, revolutionized interactivity on websites. Initially named Mocha and later LiveScript, it wasn’t widely adopted until AJAX (2005) allowed asynchronous data loading, enabling dynamic web applications like Gmail.
HTML5 and Modern Web
HTML5 and Modern Web
HTML5, released in 2014, marked a significant milestone, introducing native support for multimedia, graphics, and offline capabilities. It rendered many third-party plugins obsolete, enhancing performance and cross-platform compatibility.
Future: WebAssembly Evolution
Future: WebAssembly Evolution
WebAssembly (Wasm), a binary instruction format, is transforming web performance. Introduced in 2017, it allows execution of code at near-native speed, opening doors for complex applications like gaming and scientific simulations to run smoothly in browsers.
CSS's Surprising Power
CSS's Surprising Power
CSS was once used to solve a Rubik's Cube, demonstrating its unexpected computational capabilities beyond styling web pages.
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Who introduced HTML in 1991?
Tim Berners-Lee
Marc Andreessen
Brendan Eich