Understanding the International Solidarity Movement (ISM)

What is ISM?
What is ISM?
The International Solidarity Movement (ISM) is a Palestinian-led movement committed to resisting the Israeli occupation of Palestinian land using nonviolent methods. Founded in 2001, it invites international participation.
ISM's Founding Principles
ISM's Founding Principles
ISM was founded on principles of nonviolence, direct action, and Palestinian leadership. The movement is influenced by the history of nonviolent resistance in civil rights and anti-apartheid struggles.
Global Participation
Global Participation
Volunteers from around the globe join the ISM. They provide protective presence, document abuses, and support local Palestinian communities. The presence of internationals often helps decrease violence.
Notable ISM Incidents
Notable ISM Incidents
ISM gained international attention after incidents involving its members. In 2003, Rachel Corrie, an American activist, was killed by an Israeli bulldozer. This tragedy brought ISM under global scrutiny.
Criticism and Controversy
Criticism and Controversy
ISM faces criticism for alleged associations with militant activities. Detractors argue that their presence emboldens Palestinian militancy, a charge ISM denies, maintaining their nonviolent stance.
Legal Challenges
Legal Challenges
ISM activists often face legal challenges, including visa denials, deportations, and arrests by Israeli authorities. These actions are seen as attempts to hinder their work and international awareness.
Impact on Conflict
Impact on Conflict
Despite controversies, ISM's commitment to nonviolent protest has influenced global perception of the Palestinian struggle, spotlighting the conflict's human rights dimensions and maintaining international dialogue.
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What year was ISM founded?
Founded in 2000
Founded in 2001
Founded in 2002