Key Events in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

Historical Context of Conflict
Historical Context of Conflict
The Israeli-Palestinian conflict roots back to the late 19th century with rising Zionist immigration and Arab nationalism. It intensified post-Ottoman Empire's fall and the Balfour Declaration of 1917.
1948 War of Independence
1948 War of Independence
Also known as the Nakba by Palestinians, the 1948 Arab-Israeli war followed the United Nations partition plan, leading to Israel's independence and the first major displacement of Palestinians.
Six-Day War of 1967
Six-Day War of 1967
A swift Israeli attack against Egypt, Jordan, and Syria led to the occupation of the West Bank, Gaza Strip, Sinai Peninsula, and Golan Heights, reshaping the region's geopolitical landscape.
First Intifada Uprising
First Intifada Uprising
The First Intifada (1987-1993) was a Palestinian uprising against Israeli occupation. It marked a shift towards national consciousness and was a catalyst for the 1993 Oslo Accords.
Impact on Regional Dynamics
Impact on Regional Dynamics
The conflict influences regional politics, creating alliances and enmities. It has drawn in neighboring Arab countries and impacted their relationships with Israel and Western powers.
A Surprising Alliance
A Surprising Alliance
In 1965, Israel provided military aid to Yemen's royalists, fighting a civil war despite being enemies with their main backer, Saudi Arabia. Mascot
What event intensified the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in 1917?
The Balfour Declaration
First Intifada
Six-Day War