Introduction to UX Design

Introduction to UX Design
Introduction to UX Design
User Experience (UX) design is a multidisciplinary field focused on creating products that provide meaningful and relevant experiences to users. It encompasses aspects of branding, design, usability, and functionality, aiming to enhance user satisfaction and loyalty.
The Psychology Behind UX
The Psychology Behind UX
Effective UX design leverages psychological principles such as cognitive load, visual perception, and user motivation. Understanding how users think and behave enables designers to create intuitive interfaces that align with users' mental models, improving overall usability and satisfaction.
Importance of User Research
Importance of User Research
User research is crucial in UX design, employing methods like interviews, surveys, and usability testing. This research provides insights into user needs, behaviors, and pain points, ensuring designs are user-centered and addressing real problems. Surprisingly, 85% of issues can be identified with just 5 users.
Iterative Design Process
Iterative Design Process
UX design follows an iterative process involving prototyping, testing, and refining. This cycle allows for continuous improvement based on user feedback. Interestingly, early-stage low-fidelity prototypes can uncover 65% of usability issues, saving time and resources in later stages.
Accessibility in UX Design
Accessibility in UX Design
Incorporating accessibility ensures products are usable by people with disabilities. Techniques include using alt text for images, providing keyboard navigation, and ensuring color contrast. An accessible design benefits everyone, not just disabled users, leading to a more inclusive product experience.
Unexpected Early UX Origin
Unexpected Early UX Origin
Leonardo da Vinci is considered one of the world's first UX designers due to his work on creating user-friendly designs for everyday objects. Mascot
What does UX encompass?
Marketing and sales
Branding, design, usability, functionality
Development and coding