Andalusian Architecture: An Islamic Legacy in Iberia

Introduction to Andalusian Architecture
Introduction to Andalusian Architecture
Islamic architecture in Iberia, particularly Andalusia, is a unique blend of local and Islamic artistic traditions. Notable for its intricate tilework, arabesque plaster, and horseshoe arches, it's a legacy of the Umayyad conquest.
The Umayyad Caliphate's Influence
The Umayyad Caliphate's Influence
After 711 CE, the Umayyad Caliphate transformed Iberian cities. Cordoba, the caliphate's heart, was graced with the Great Mosque's construction, boasting a forest of columns and double-tiered arches, setting a precedent for Western Islamic art.
Mudejar Style Emergence
Mudejar Style Emergence
The Mudejar style, post-Reconquista, reflects Christian rule but maintains Islamic artistic methods. It's a symbiosis of Gothic architecture with Islamic embellishments, evident in the Alcázar of Seville's ornate tiling and carpentry.
Alhambra: Nasrid Dynasty's Gem
Alhambra: Nasrid Dynasty's Gem
Granada's Alhambra, a Nasrid dynasty palace, epitomizes Islamic architecture's grandeur in Iberia. Its Court of the Lions showcases a sophisticated water system, symbolizing the Islamic paradise, with architecture harmonizing with nature.
Morisco Architecture's Lasting Legacy
Morisco Architecture's Lasting Legacy
Post-Reconquista, Moriscos (Muslims permitted to stay) influenced Iberian architecture. Their discreet yet intricate woodwork and stucco can be seen in buildings like Granada's El Bañuelo, an exquisite 11th-century bathhouse.
Iberia's Gypsum Ornamentation
Iberia's Gypsum Ornamentation
Gypsum, abundant in Iberia, was favored for its malleability and translucence. Islamic craftspeople in Iberia perfected its use, creating detailed muqarnas and arabesques that diffused light softly within interiors.
Influence Beyond Borders
Influence Beyond Borders
Islamic architecture in Iberia influenced beyond its borders. The iconic Giraldillo of Seville's Cathedral, once a minaret, inspired numerous structures, including the bell tower of Florence's Cathedral, showcasing the extensive cultural exchange. Mascot
Which dynasty built the Alhambra?
Umayyad Caliphate
Nasrid Dynasty
Moriscos Builders