Understanding Conjunctivitis

Understanding Conjunctivitis
Understanding Conjunctivitis
Conjunctivitis, commonly known as 'pink eye,' is an inflammation or infection of the conjunctiva. It can be caused by allergies, bacteria, viruses, or irritants.
Viral vs. Bacterial Types
Viral vs. Bacterial Types
Viral conjunctivitis usually causes watery discharge, while bacterial conjunctivitis results in a thicker, yellow-green discharge. Both can be highly contagious, but viral types often accompany colds.
Unexpected Causes Explored
Unexpected Causes Explored
Beyond infections, conjunctivitis can be triggered by contact lenses, chlorine in swimming pools, and even ingredients in cosmetics or medications.
Conjunctivitis Global Incidence
Conjunctivitis Global Incidence
Surprisingly, conjunctivitis affects millions worldwide annually. Its prevalence varies widely, often peaking in the dry seasons due to increased irritant exposure.
Treatment Varieties
Treatment Varieties
Treatment for conjunctivitis depends on its cause. Antibiotics can treat bacterial infections, while antihistamines are effective for allergic conjunctivitis. Viral types usually resolve spontaneously.
Prevention Tactics
Prevention Tactics
Preventive measures include frequent hand washing, avoiding eye rubbing, and not sharing personal items like towels or eyewear. Contact lens wearers should follow strict hygiene protocols.
Potential Complications
Potential Complications
Though often a mild condition, conjunctivitis can lead to more serious complications like keratitis or vision problems if left untreated, especially in certain immunocompromised individuals.
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What is conjunctivitis also known as?
Red eye
Pink eye
Blue eye