The History and Impact of Right-Side Driving

Historical Origins
Historical Origins
Driving on the right traces back to the late 18th century. In France, post-Revolution, right-side driving was mandated to break from aristocratic traditions of riding on the left.
Napoleon's Influence
Napoleon's Influence
Napoleon Bonaparte's conquests spread right-side driving across Europe. His armies marched on the right, and the occupied territories adopted this practice, which later influenced many countries.
American Adoption
American Adoption
In the US, right-side driving was popularized by teamsters. They drove large freight wagons pulled by multiple pairs of horses, sitting on the left rear horse to use their right hand for whipping.
Global Variations
Global Variations
Today, approximately 65% of the world's population drives on the right. However, former British colonies, such as India and Australia, continue to drive on the left.
Safety and Design
Safety and Design
Right-side driving influences vehicle design, road safety, and even pedestrian behavior. It's integrated into the infrastructure and culture, making a switch challenging and often unnecessary.
A Shocking Transition
A Shocking Transition
Sweden switched from left to right driving in 1967 overnight, causing massive confusion but remarkably few accidents. Mascot
Why did France switch to right-side driving?
For better military logistics
To break aristocratic traditions
Due to traffic congestion