The Dangers of Drunk Driving During Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving Drunk Driving Stats
Thanksgiving Drunk Driving Stats
Thanksgiving weekend is notorious for increased drunk driving incidents. From 2013-2017, over 800 deaths were attributed to DUI-related crashes during this holiday period, making it one of the deadliest times on American roads.
Blackout Wednesday Phenomenon
Blackout Wednesday Phenomenon
The night before Thanksgiving, known as 'Blackout Wednesday,' sees a spike in alcohol consumption as people start the festivities early, often resulting in a higher number of DUIs compared to an average day.
Law Enforcement Crackdown
Law Enforcement Crackdown
To combat the trend, many states implement sobriety checkpoints and increase patrols. These efforts have been shown to reduce alcohol-related crashes by up to 20% during high-risk periods.
Alcohol's Impact on Skills
Alcohol's Impact on Skills
Even small amounts of alcohol can impair driving abilities, affecting judgment, coordination, and reaction times. This is a critical concern during Thanksgiving travels when traffic density is higher.
Safe Driving Tips
Safe Driving Tips
Plan ahead by designating a sober driver, using public transportation, or ride-sharing services. Also, be aware of other potentially impaired drivers on the road and stay cautious.
Family Interventions Matter
Family Interventions Matter
Family members play a pivotal role in preventing drunk driving. A study showed that interventions from relatives can influence better decision-making and discourage driving under the influence.
Impact on Insurance Costs
Impact on Insurance Costs
A DUI conviction can double or even triple your car insurance premiums for several years. The financial repercussions extend beyond fines and legal fees, affecting your economic stability. Mascot
How many DUI deaths 2013-2017 Thanksgiving?
Over 800 deaths
About 500 deaths
Less than 300 deaths