Understanding the Linux Kernel

Linux Kernel Overview
Linux Kernel Overview
The Linux kernel, created by Linus Torvalds in 1991, is the core interface between computer hardware and processes. It manages resources efficiently, offering stable multitasking, security, and system stability.
Kernel Space vs User Space
Kernel Space vs User Space
The kernel operates in 'kernel space', handling operations that require unrestricted access to hardware. User applications run in 'user space', where operations are restricted, enhancing security and system stability by preventing direct hardware access.
Process Scheduling Details
Process Scheduling Details
Linux uses a 'Completely Fair Scheduler' (CFS), which balances CPU time between processes. Prioritizing tasks, it ensures responsiveness and efficiency, dynamically adapting to the workload without manual tuning.
Memory Management Explained
Memory Management Explained
The kernel employs a virtual memory system, translating addresses into physical locations. It features 'swapping' to move data between RAM and disk storage, and 'slab allocation' to efficiently manage memory for frequently used objects.
Modular Kernel Architecture
Modular Kernel Architecture
Linux's modular design allows adding or removing functionalities without rebooting through Loadable Kernel Modules (LKMs). This design facilitates driver updates, kernel customization, and enhances overall kernel adaptability.
Interprocess Communication
Interprocess Communication
The kernel facilitates various Interprocess Communication (IPC) methods like signals, semaphores, shared memory, and message queues. These mechanisms allow processes to coordinate actions and share data efficiently.
Filesystem Hierarchy Standard
Filesystem Hierarchy Standard
The kernel adheres to the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard (FHS), organizing files and directories into a standard layout. This structure improves portability, simplifies user navigation, and enhances compatibility between different distributions.
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Who created the Linux kernel?
Richard Stallman
Linus Torvalds
Ken Thompson