Exploring the Impact of Linux

Linux: A Kernel's Birth
Linux: A Kernel's Birth
In 1991, Linus Torvalds released Linux as a free operating system kernel. Its open-source nature contrasts the proprietary Unix, catalyzing a computing revolution.
Ubiquitous Across Platforms
Ubiquitous Across Platforms
Linux powers the majority of internet servers, supercomputers, and stock exchanges worldwide. Its adaptability makes it the preferred choice for cloud computing and big data.
Android: Linux Altered
Android: Linux Altered
Android, dominating the smartphone market, is based on a modified Linux kernel. Despite changes, its core architecture remains rooted in Linux, showcasing its versatility.
Linux in Space Exploration
Linux in Space Exploration
NASA and SpaceX employ Linux for space missions. Its reliability and customization allowed the Ingenuity helicopter to fly on Mars, using a Linux-powered system.
Penguin: Symbol of Freedom
Penguin: Symbol of Freedom
Linux's mascot, Tux the penguin, symbolizes freedom and collaboration in the tech community. It reflects Linux’s playful spirit and commitment to open-source philosophy.
Linux on Smart TVs
Linux on Smart TVs
Over 50% of smart TVs run on Linux-based operating systems, making it a silent giant in the consumer electronics market.
Learn.xyz Mascot
Who released Linux in 1991?
Richard Stallman
Linus Torvalds
Ken Thompson