Understanding the Modern American Lifestyle: Income, Work, and Well-being

Average American Income
Average American Income
As of recent data, the median household income for Americans stands at approximately $68,000. This varies widely by state and is subject to fluctuations based on economic conditions.
Work Hours and Vacation
Work Hours and Vacation
Americans work an average of 34.4 hours per week, with only 10 days of paid vacation per year. This is significantly less than the vacation time afforded in other developed countries.
Debt and Savings
Debt and Savings
The average American has a personal debt, excluding home mortgages, of over $38,000. Despite this, the average savings account holds under $5,000, indicating a potential financial vulnerability.
Obesity Rates
Obesity Rates
Obesity is a significant health issue in the U.S., with nearly 40% of adults classified as obese. This high rate has implications for public health and healthcare costs.
Charitable Giving
Charitable Giving
Americans are known for their generosity. On average, they donate about 2.1% of their disposable income to charity, with the majority contributing to religious organizations and social service charities.
Internet Usage
Internet Usage
The average American spends around 24 hours a week online. With the rise of smartphones, many individuals are almost constantly connected to the internet.
Education Levels
Education Levels
Over a third of Americans aged 25 and older hold a bachelor's degree or higher. However, this educational attainment is not evenly distributed across demographics or regions.
Unexpected Tax Benefits
Unexpected Tax Benefits
The IRS allows tax deductions for expenses related to searching for a new job, even if you don't get the job.
Learn.xyz Mascot
What is median American household income?
$68,000 annually
$38,000 annually
Varies by household size