Understanding Facebook's Evolution and Impact

Introduction to Facebook's Meaning
Introduction to Facebook's Meaning
Facebook, launched in 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg, was initially designed as a social networking service for Harvard students. Its name refers to the printed or online directories with photos and details of people, often distributed to incoming university students.
Why 'Facebook'?
Why 'Facebook'?
The term 'Facebook' comes from the colloquial name for directories given to American university students. These booklets helped students recognize each other and serve as a social tool, which aligned with Zuckerberg’s vision of connecting people.
Data and Social Connectivity
Data and Social Connectivity
Beyond a social network, Facebook represents a massive data repository. It leverages user data to create social graphs, mapping relationships and interactions. This data-centric approach aids in targeted advertising, making it a multi-billion dollar enterprise.
Impact on Communication
Impact on Communication
Facebook revolutionized how we communicate, introducing concepts like timeline posts and 'likes'. These innovations changed social interactions, making public sharing of daily life events a norm and influencing global communication patterns.
Beyond Social Networking
Beyond Social Networking
Facebook has expanded beyond a social site, acquiring companies like Instagram and WhatsApp. It also ventures into virtual reality with Oculus, aiming to create a 'metaverse'—a shared virtual space that blurs physical and digital worlds.
Facebook's Hidden Origin
Facebook's Hidden Origin
Facebook was initially called 'The Facebook' and was inspired by a university prank site created by Zuckerberg called 'Facemash'.
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When was Facebook launched?
In 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg
In 2005 by Mark Zuckerberg
In 2004 by Harvard students