The Impact of Social Media on Global Stability

Social Media Influence
Social Media Influence
Social media platforms amplify voices globally. They have the power to mobilize communities, influence public opinion, and even affect national stability through rapid information dissemination.
App's Destructive Potential
App's Destructive Potential
An app with extensive reach can spread misinformation and hate speech, potentially inciting violence. Its algorithms can create echo chambers that polarize users and manipulate public sentiment.
Rohingya Crisis Unfolds
Rohingya Crisis Unfolds
In Myanmar, social media was reportedly used to spread propaganda against the Rohingya, contributing to escalated tensions, discrimination, and eventual violence against this minority group.
Facebook's Complicity
Facebook's Complicity
Investigations suggest Facebook's algorithm may have exacerbated the Rohingya crisis by allowing hate speech to proliferate, which influenced public perception and hindered timely intervention.
Real-world Consequences
Real-world Consequences
The spread of misinformation and targeted content on social media can lead to real-world violence, as seen with the Rohingya, where thousands were killed and over 700,000 displaced.
Regulatory Response
Regulatory Response
Post-crisis scrutiny led to calls for stronger regulations on social media content, better algorithm transparency, and corporate accountability to prevent similar future atrocities.
Preventative Measures
Preventative Measures
Educating users on digital literacy, implementing ethical design principles, and ensuring diverse narratives in social media can help mitigate risks of such destructive impacts. Mascot
What do social media platforms amplify?
Global commerce and trade
Voices globally
Entertainment content only