The Evolution of Instagram: From Burbn to a Social Giant

Instagram's Initial Concept
Instagram's Initial Concept
Initially named 'Burbn', Instagram began as a check-in app. Pivoting due to competition from Foursquare, founders Systrom and Krieger refocused on photo sharing, launching Instagram in 2010.
Instagram's Rapid Growth
Instagram's Rapid Growth
Instagram's user base grew rapidly, reaching 1 million users in just two months. Its simplistic design and unique filters made photo-sharing both easy and stylish.
Acquisition by Facebook
Acquisition by Facebook
In 2012, Facebook acquired Instagram for $1 billion. At the time, Instagram had only 13 employees. This acquisition helped Instagram grow with Facebook's resources.
Introduction of Stories
Introduction of Stories
In 2016, Instagram launched Stories, a game-changing feature inspired by Snapchat. It allowed users to post content that disappears after 24 hours, significantly increasing user engagement.
Algorithm Over Chronology
Algorithm Over Chronology
Instagram shifted from a chronological feed to an algorithm-based feed in 2016. This move aimed to show users more relevant content, but also sparked widespread criticism.
Economic Impact
Economic Impact
Instagram has created a new economy, with 'influencers' earning substantial incomes through sponsored content. It's estimated that influencer marketing on Instagram is a multi-billion dollar industry.
Mental Health Initiatives
Mental Health Initiatives
Acknowledging the platform's impact on mental health, Instagram initiated measures like hiding 'likes' to reduce social pressure among users, showing its commitment to user well-being. Mascot
What was Instagram's original name?