Bill McKibben: Environmental Advocate and Activist

Environmental Advocate and Author
Environmental Advocate and Author
Bill McKibben is a renowned environmentalist, author, and journalist. His 1989 book 'The End of Nature' was one of the first to bring climate change to a general audience, highlighting the human impact on the planet.
Founder of
Founder of
In 2008, McKibben co-founded, an international climate action organization. The name refers to 350 parts per million (ppm) of CO2, the safe upper limit for atmospheric carbon dioxide, which we have already surpassed.
Innovative Climate Campaigns
Innovative Climate Campaigns
McKibben has led groundbreaking campaigns, including 'Do the Math,' which connects the dots between climate change and the fossil fuel industry, and the global divestment movement, urging institutions to divest from fossil fuels.
Arrested for Protesting
Arrested for Protesting
McKibben's activism isn't just intellectual. He has been arrested multiple times for civil disobedience, notably during protests against the Keystone XL pipeline, demonstrating his commitment to direct action.
Educator and Scholar
Educator and Scholar
Beyond activism, McKibben is a Schumann Distinguished Scholar at Middlebury College. He teaches environmental studies, blending academic rigor with practical activism to inspire the next generation of environmental leaders.
Climate Change Prediction
Climate Change Prediction
McKibben predicted climate change impacts in 1989 with remarkable accuracy, decades before they became widely accepted, showcasing his profound foresight and understanding of environmental issues. Mascot
What is Bill McKibben's 1989 book?
Climate Change Revolution
The End of Nature
Planetary Impact