The History of Psychedelics from Ancient Rituals to Modern Therapy

Ancient Psychedelic Beginnings
Ancient Psychedelic Beginnings
Earliest records of psychedelic use come from the ritual practices of indigenous tribes. Plants like peyote, ayahuasca, and psilocybin mushrooms were integral for spiritual journeys and healing ceremonies.
Eleusinian Mysteries Unveiled
Eleusinian Mysteries Unveiled
In ancient Greece, the Eleusinian Mysteries celebrated Demeter and Persephone's myth. Participants consumed 'kykeon', a potion possibly containing ergot, a fungus with LSD-like properties, to induce profound transformative experiences.
Vikings' Berserker Rage
Vikings' Berserker Rage
It's hypothesized that Viking 'berserkers' may have used henbane or other tropane alkaloid-containing plants to enter trance-like states before battle, enhancing their ferocity.
Soma: Vedic Enigma
Soma: Vedic Enigma
The Rigveda sings praises of 'Soma', a mysterious plant concoction. Its true identity is lost to time, but theories suggest it could be a psychedelic, possibly Amanita muscaria.
Mayan Mushroom Stones
Mayan Mushroom Stones
Ancient Mesoamerica revered psilocybin mushrooms, as evidenced by 'mushroom stones' dating back to 1000 BCE. These artifacts suggest ceremonial uses among the Maya and Aztecs.
Santo Daime's Ayahuasca
Santo Daime's Ayahuasca
The syncretic Santo Daime religion, founded in the 1930s in Brazil, incorporates Christian elements and ritualistic ayahuasca use. The brew is central to their belief system for spiritual enlightenment.
Psychedelics in Modern Therapy
Psychedelics in Modern Therapy
Emerging research into psychedelics challenges their taboo status. Contemporary studies on psilocybin and MDMA demonstrate potential in treating depression, PTSD, and aiding end-of-life care. Mascot
Who celebrated Eleusinian Mysteries?
Indigenous tribes
Ancient Greeks
Viking berserkers