Understanding Mexican Cartels

Defining Mexican Cartels
Defining Mexican Cartels
Mexican cartels are sophisticated criminal networks involved in various illegal activities, primarily drug trafficking. They wield considerable influence over drug supply chains to the US and beyond.
Cartels' Organizational Structure
Cartels' Organizational Structure
Cartels operate with a hierarchical structure. Leaders oversee lieutenants who manage cells responsible for specific activities like production, transportation, and enforcement.
Diverse Criminal Activities
Diverse Criminal Activities
Besides narcotics trafficking, cartels engage in human trafficking, weapon smuggling, money laundering, and even oil theft from state pipelines.
Influence on Society
Influence on Society
Cartels impact Mexican society profoundly, often controlling local economies and politics. They can provide social services to garner community support, complicating law enforcement efforts.
Cartels and Technology
Cartels and Technology
Cartels have embraced technology, using encrypted communications, drones for surveillance and delivery, and sophisticated tunnels with rail systems for smuggling.
Government Counteractions
Government Counteractions
Mexico's government has launched military-led initiatives, such as the 'War on Drugs,' to dismantle cartels. The results have been mixed, with violence often increasing after such campaigns.
Global Impact
Global Impact
The influence of Mexican cartels extends globally, with presence in Europe, Asia, and Australia, affecting international law enforcement cooperation and strategies.
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Primary activity of Mexican cartels?
Weapon smuggling operations
Drug trafficking networks
Providing community services