Understanding Rashtriya Kishor Swasthya Karyakram (RKSK)

Introduction to RKSK
Introduction to RKSK
Launched in 2014, Rashtriya Kishor Swasthya Karyakram (RKSK) is an initiative by the Indian government to address adolescent health issues, covering nutrition, substance abuse, and reproductive health.
RKSK's Target Group
RKSK's Target Group
RKSK uniquely focuses on all adolescents aged 10-19 years, a group often neglected in health policies. It reaches out to 253 million adolescents, nearly a fifth of India's population.
Program's Seven Priorities
Program's Seven Priorities
RKSK emphasizes seven priorities: nutrition, sexual and reproductive health, mental health, substance misuse, non-communicable diseases, gender-based violence, and adolescent-friendly health clinics.
Strategic Approach
Strategic Approach
The program uses a multipronged approach, including Peer Educators (Saathiya), dedicated health days, and toll-free helpline services to disseminate information and provide services.
Community Involvement
Community Involvement
RKSK promotes community participation through local governance structures, fostering an enabling environment for adolescent health rights and bridging gaps in service delivery.
Innovative Engagement
Innovative Engagement
The initiative introduced 'Saathiya Resource Kits' for peer educators, containing interactive tools and apps to engage adolescents effectively with relatable health content.
Challenges Faced
Challenges Faced
Despite its progressive framework, RKSK faces challenges such as uneven implementation, limited awareness among adolescents, and cultural barriers hindering the utilization of health services.
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When was the RKSK initiative launched?