Understanding .NET Generics

Understanding .NET Generics
Understanding .NET Generics
Generics introduce the concept of type parameters to .NET, allowing for code reuse and type safety. They enable developers to define classes, structures, interfaces, and methods with placeholders for the types they store or use.
Generics Enhance Performance
Generics Enhance Performance
Using generics can boost performance. They reduce the need for boxing and unboxing when dealing with value types, thus avoiding the overhead associated with type casting and heap allocation.
Constraints in Generics
Constraints in Generics
Constraints specify the types that generic type parameters can be. This ensures type safety by allowing only compatible types. Common constraints include 'where T : struct', 'where T : class', and 'where T : new()'.
Variance in Generic Interfaces
Variance in Generic Interfaces
Generic interfaces support variance through 'in' and 'out' keywords, enabling covariance and contravariance. This allows for more flexible substitution of types, like assigning a 'IEnumerable<Base>' from 'IEnumerable<Derived>'.
Generics in Collections
Generics in Collections
The .NET Framework's collection classes heavily utilize generics, allowing for strongly-typed collections like List<T> and Dictionary<TKey, TValue>. This ensures type safety and avoids unnecessary casts at runtime.
Generics and Delegates
Generics and Delegates
Generics also apply to delegates, enhancing the ability to pass methods as parameters with specific type constraints. Func<T, TResult> and Action<T> are common examples of generic delegates in .NET.
Generic Methods and Overloading
Generic Methods and Overloading
Methods can be overloaded based on their type parameters, allowing different implementations depending on the generic types involved. This can result in more expressive and flexible APIs.
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What do .NET generics primarily enable?
Dynamic type casting
Code reuse and type safety
Asynchronous programming support