Understanding the DOM and Web APIs

Understanding the DOM
Understanding the DOM
The Document Object Model (DOM) represents HTML and XML documents as a logical tree structure. Each node corresponds to a part of the page. JavaScript manipulates the DOM to dynamically update the browser's display without a full page reload.
What are Web APIs?
What are Web APIs?
Web APIs are application programming interfaces that allow you to interact with the browser and perform complex operations. They extend the functionality of JavaScript in the browser, enabling features like AJAX, geolocation, and local storage.
DOM and Web APIs Interaction
DOM and Web APIs Interaction
Web APIs use the DOM to access and manipulate web page elements. For instance, 'document.getElementById' is a DOM method, exposed through the DOM API, allowing scripts to alter HTML elements programmatically.
AJAX: Asynchronous Requests
AJAX: Asynchronous Requests
Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX) allows web pages to be updated asynchronously by exchanging data with a web server. This means parts of a page can be updated without refreshing the whole page, leading to more dynamic user experiences.
Fetch API Over XMLHttpRequest
Fetch API Over XMLHttpRequest
The Fetch API provides a more powerful and flexible feature set than XMLHttpRequest for making HTTP requests. It returns Promises, uses a cleaner syntax, and offers better error handling, vastly improving JavaScript's HTTP request operations.
Modern DOM Manipulation
Modern DOM Manipulation
Modern JavaScript frameworks and libraries like React, Angular, and Vue.js offer declarative DOM manipulation, abstracting direct DOM manipulation and improving application performance, maintainability, and development efficiency.
Events and Event Listeners
Events and Event Listeners
Web APIs allow the registration of event listeners on elements. This is fundamental for interactive applications. The 'addEventListener' method lets developers precisely control how the user's actions should change the application state or appearance.
Learn.xyz Mascot
What does the DOM represent in HTML/XML?
Server response format
Logical tree structure
Frontend design template