Mastering GitHub Actions and Workflows for CI/CD

Introduction to CI/CD
Introduction to CI/CD
Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) are key practices in modern software development. GitHub Actions and Workflows automate these processes, ensuring code integrity and deployment efficiency.
What are GitHub Actions?
What are GitHub Actions?
GitHub Actions are individual tasks that automate software workflows. They can be as simple as sending a notification or as complex as deploying an app. Actions are the building blocks of a GitHub Workflow.
Understanding GitHub Workflows
Understanding GitHub Workflows
A GitHub Workflow is a configurable automated process made up of one or more jobs. Workflows are defined by a YAML file and can be triggered by GitHub events like push, pull requests, or issue creation.
Actions vs. Workflows
Actions vs. Workflows
An Action is a singular task, while a Workflow is a sequence of actions defined by specific events. Workflows coordinate how Actions interact, controlling the order and conditions under which they run.
Customization and Reusability
Customization and Reusability
GitHub Actions are highly customizable. Developers can create their own Actions or use community-maintained ones. Workflows can be reused through 'workflow_call', enabling code reuse and collaboration.
Marketplace Insights
Marketplace Insights
The GitHub Marketplace contains thousands of Actions to streamline your workflows. From code linters to cloud deployments, there's likely an Action that fits your needs, all freely available for public repositories.
Security and Secret Management
Security and Secret Management
GitHub encrypts secrets used in Actions and Workflows, like API keys and tokens. This ensures security best practices are maintained while automating deployment and integration tasks. Mascot
What automates CI/CD in GitHub?
GitHub Issues and Pull Requests
GitHub Actions and Workflows
GitHub Repositories and Branches