Introduction to React Native

Introduction to React Native
Introduction to React Native
React Native allows for native mobile apps using JavaScript and React. Unlike webview-based tools, it renders with native components, improving performance and feel. It's maintained by Facebook and has a large community.
Expo Eases Development
Expo Eases Development
Expo is an open-source platform for React Native. It simplifies development by providing a set of tools and services. With Expo, you can build, deploy, and quickly iterate on iOS, Android, and web apps.
Hot Reloading Feature
Hot Reloading Feature
React Native's 'Hot Reloading' allows developers to see code changes in real-time without rebuilding the app. This feature accelerates the development process by saving time on recompilation.
Native Modules Access
Native Modules Access
While React Native covers many native components, for additional functionality, you can access native modules. This means you can write code in native languages, providing full platform capabilities.
Expo Managed Workflow
Expo Managed Workflow
Expo offers a managed workflow providing a set of tools that abstract over complex tasks. This allows beginners to avoid dealing with native code, making the initial learning curve much smoother.
Bridging for Custom Native
Bridging for Custom Native
React Native's 'bridge' concept lets you integrate custom native code. This is invaluable for adding features not available through existing components or when optimizing performance for critical app sections.
React Native Performance
React Native Performance
React Native's performance is typically strong, but it can lag behind pure native apps for intensive tasks. Strategies like optimizing state management and using native modules can help close the gap. Mascot
Who maintains React Native?