Introduction to GitHub

Introduction to GitHub
Introduction to GitHub
GitHub is a code hosting platform for version control and collaboration. It allows multiple people to work on projects simultaneously, using Git, the distributed version control system.
Creating a Repository
Creating a Repository
Repositories are the heart of GitHub’s collaborative environment. To start a project, you create a repository, which includes all project files and revision history.
Version Control with Git
Version Control with Git
Git tracks changes in your code over time. Branches help manage different versions within a repository. Pull requests are used to discuss and review code changes.
Continuous Integration
Continuous Integration
GitHub integrates with CI/CD tools like Jenkins or GitHub Actions. This automates testing, building, and deploying applications, allowing for reliable and frequent code changes.
Building LLMs on GitHub
Building LLMs on GitHub
Large Language Models (LLMs) like GPT-3 can be integrated into GitHub workflows using GitHub APIs and custom actions, enabling automated code generation, summarization, and issue resolution.
Deploying with Streamlit
Deploying with Streamlit
Streamlit is a Python library that turns data scripts into shareable web apps. GitHub can host Streamlit apps, making machine learning models directly accessible to users.
Advanced GitHub Facts
Advanced GitHub Facts
Did you know GitHub has a program called 'GitHub Archive Program' that aims to preserve open source software for future generations by storing code in an Arctic Code Vault? Mascot
What is GitHub's primary function?
Social networking site
Version control platform
Text editor for coding