Introduction to E2E Testing with React Native

Introduction to E2E Testing
Introduction to E2E Testing
End-to-end (E2E) tests simulate real user scenarios from start to finish. Unlike unit or integration tests, they test the full flow of an application built with React Native, ensuring components interact correctly in a production-like environment.
E2E Frameworks Overview
E2E Frameworks Overview
Popular frameworks for E2E testing in React Native include Detox, Appium, and Cypress. Detox runs tests in a simulated environment, while Appium and Cypress interact with the app on real devices, providing a thorough user experience test.
Setting Up Detox
Setting Up Detox
To set up Detox for React Native, install it via npm, configure your package.json, and write your first test. Detox requires a separate test environment, making use of Jest or Mocha as the test runner and assertion library.
Continuous Integration (CI)
Continuous Integration (CI)
E2E tests can be integrated into CI pipelines. By running tests on every commit, developers can catch issues early. React Native's modular architecture allows tests to run independently, speeding up the CI process.
Test Writing Best Practices
Test Writing Best Practices
For maintainable E2E tests, follow best practices: Use page objects to abstract test logic, write clear and concise tests, prioritize critical paths, and avoid testing external services directly, which can make tests flaky.
Mocking and Stubbing
Mocking and Stubbing
To reduce flakiness and improve test stability, mock network responses and stub native modules. Tools like Jest allow you to intercept calls and provide consistent results, ensuring tests are not affected by external dependencies.
Advanced Scenarios Testing
Advanced Scenarios Testing
React Native E2E tests can cover advanced scenarios like push notifications, permissions, and deep linking. Libraries such as Detox support these features natively, allowing testers to simulate and assert complex user interactions. Mascot
What do E2E tests in React Native ensure?
Only components render correctly
Full flow interaction is correct
Unit test integration