Introduction to Cone Language

Introducing: Cone Language
Introducing: Cone Language
Cone is a fast, fit, friendly, and safe systems programming language. It combines the performance and safety of Rust and C with the ergonomics and expressiveness of languages like Python and Ruby.
Cone's Unique Features
Cone's Unique Features
Cone offers automatic memory management and supports both garbage-collected and manual memory management. It allows programmers to choose the most suitable approach for their application's needs.
Performance Meets Safety
Performance Meets Safety
The language is designed to optimize for both speed and safety, with a focus on concurrent programming. It features fine-grained lifetimes and permissions model to prevent data races.
Versatile Concurrency Model
Versatile Concurrency Model
Cone's concurrency model takes inspiration from Go with its green threads (called 'fibers'), and from Erlang with lightweight, isolated processes. This hybrid approach aims to provide a robust concurrency toolkit.
Rapid Development Cycle
Rapid Development Cycle
Cone is still under development, with active contributions from a small, dedicated community. Its evolving ecosystem and tooling are expected to mature, reflecting the language's adaptability and modern features.
Cone's Secret Inspiration
Cone's Secret Inspiration
Cone's ergonomic design was inspired by a board game called Go, which emphasizes simplicity and depth, mirroring Cone's design goals. Mascot
What does Cone combine?
Safety of Rust and C
Performance and safety of Rust and C
Ergonomics of Python and Ruby