Introduction to CI/CD

CI/CD: An Introduction
CI/CD: An Introduction
Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) are practices that automate the software release process. They enable frequent, reliable updates by integrating code changes into a shared repository often.
Continuous Integration Basics
Continuous Integration Basics
CI involves automated testing and building of code. Every commit triggers a build, followed by tests. This detects problems early, reducing integration issues and leading to better software quality.
Continuous Delivery Explained
Continuous Delivery Explained
Continuous Delivery extends CI by automating the release process. Code changes are automatically built, tested, and prepared for release, ensuring that software can be deployed at any time.
Benefits of CI/CD
Benefits of CI/CD
CI/CD improves collaboration, reduces manual errors, and speeds up feedback loops. Surprisingly, it also contributes to cost reduction by identifying defects earlier, saving resources in the long run.
Real-World CI/CD Adoption
Real-World CI/CD Adoption
Many believe CI/CD is for large-scale operations, yet it's embraced by startups to enterprises alike. SpaceX, for example, implements aggressive CI/CD, enabling them to rapidly iterate on rocket software.
NASA's CI/CD Journey
NASA's CI/CD Journey
NASA uses CI/CD for Mars rovers, ensuring reliable software updates even from millions of kilometers away. This boosts mission success and technology innovation. Mascot
What does CI/CD automate?
Code writing only
Release process
Debugging only