Introduction to Angular and TDD

Introduction to Angular and TDD
Introduction to Angular and TDD
Angular is a powerful front-end framework for building dynamic web applications. Test Driven Development (TDD) is a methodology where tests are written before the actual code. Combining Angular with TDD results in robust, maintainable code.
Benefits of Angular and TDD
Benefits of Angular and TDD
Using Angular with TDD ensures early bug detection, better code quality, and easier refactoring. It also promotes better design decisions and improves developer confidence, leading to fewer bugs in production.
Setting Up Angular with TDD
Setting Up Angular with TDD
Start by installing Angular CLI and Jasmine/Karma for testing. Generate a new Angular project using `ng new`. Create test cases using Jasmine syntax, and run them using the Karma test runner integrated with Angular CLI.
Mocking Dependencies in Tests
Mocking Dependencies in Tests
In TDD, you often need to mock services and dependencies. Angular’s `TestBed` utility allows you to create an Angular testing module where you can provide mocked versions of services, ensuring isolated and reliable tests.
Advanced TDD Techniques
Advanced TDD Techniques
Learn about Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) with Angular by using tools like Protractor for end-to-end testing. Protractor interacts with your Angular application as a user would, ensuring the entire application flow works perfectly.
Unexpected Angular Fact
Unexpected Angular Fact
Did you know? Early versions of Angular were called 'AngularJS' and were developed as a side project by Google engineers in just two weeks! Mascot
What is Angular?
A back-end framework
A front-end framework
A database system