Django and Front-end Integration

Django and Front-end Basics
Django and Front-end Basics
Django, a high-level Python web framework, encourages rapid development. It follows the MVT pattern. Front-end integration involves templating, static files, and AJAX calls. Learn how to seamlessly blend Django with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
Templating with Django
Templating with Django
Django's templating engine offers powerful tools for HTML rendering. It uses template tags, filters, and inheritance, allowing developers to create dynamic web pages with DRY principles. Explore template extending and inclusion for reusable HTML structures.
Managing Static Files
Managing Static Files
Static files, like CSS, JavaScript, and images, are essential for front-end. Django's 'collectstatic' command gathers these from apps into a single location. Learn to configure STATIC_URL and STATICFILES_DIRS for optimal static file management.
Asynchronous Operations with AJAX
Asynchronous Operations with AJAX
AJAX allows for asynchronous data fetching without page refreshes. Django views can handle AJAX requests and send JSON responses. This enables a smoother user experience. Understand CSRF tokens in AJAX for secure data transactions.
Integrating Front-end Frameworks
Integrating Front-end Frameworks
Front-end frameworks like React can be integrated with Django. Django REST framework can serve as a backend API, while React handles the UI. This decouples front-end and back-end development, facilitating separate concerns.
Webpack with Django
Webpack with Django
Webpack bundles JavaScript modules for the browser. With Django, you can use Webpack to bundle your assets, compiling SASS and managing dependencies. Learn to set up Webpack with Django's static file system for a modern front-end workflow.
Advanced Performance Techniques
Advanced Performance Techniques
Enhance front-end performance in Django with techniques like caching, database indexing, and query optimization. Discover how to use Django's cache framework and third-party tools like django-compressor for asset minification and compression. Mascot
What pattern does Django follow?
Model-View-Controller (MVC)
Model-View-Template (MVT)
Model-Template-View (MTV)