Understanding Pembrolizumab: A Comprehensive Guide

What is Pembrolizumab?
What is Pembrolizumab?
Pembrolizumab, marketed as Keytruda, is an immune checkpoint inhibitor. It works by blocking the PD-1 protein, enhancing the immune system's ability to fight cancer cells.
Pembrolizumab's Development
Pembrolizumab's Development
Developed by Merck & Co., Pembrolizumab was first approved by the FDA in 2014. It originated from breakthroughs in understanding PD-1's role in downregulating the immune system.
Approved Cancer Treatments
Approved Cancer Treatments
Pembrolizumab is approved for various cancers including melanoma, lung cancer, and head and neck cancer. Its usage is expanding as research progresses.
Dosage and Administration
Dosage and Administration
Pembrolizumab is administered intravenously. Dosage depends on cancer type, body weight, and overall health. Treatment cycles typically last three weeks.
Potential Side Effects
Potential Side Effects
Common side effects include fatigue, cough, and itching. Due to its immune system activation, it can also induce autoimmune reactions, sometimes severe.
Impact on Survival Rates
Impact on Survival Rates
Studies have shown Pembrolizumab can significantly improve survival rates for certain cancers, particularly when used in early treatment stages or in combination with other therapies.
Future of Pembrolizumab
Future of Pembrolizumab
Ongoing research includes Pembrolizumab as a potential treatment for more cancer types and in various combination therapies, broadening its impact.
Learn.xyz Mascot
What is Pembrolizumab marketed as?
Immune System Booster