Understanding MS Medications and Their Side Effects

MS Medications Overview
MS Medications Overview
Multiple Sclerosis (MS) treatments have evolved with new medications aiming to modify disease progression. These therapies work differently on the immune system, targeting specific pathways involved in MS.
Immunomodulators' Side Effects
Immunomodulators' Side Effects
Immunomodulators like interferons may cause flu-like symptoms, injection site reactions, and liver function changes. Monitoring blood counts and liver enzymes is essential for patients on these drugs.
S1P Receptor Modulators
S1P Receptor Modulators
Recent S1P modulators can slow disease progression but may lower heart rate, increase infection risk, and cause macular edema. Patients must have cardiac monitoring upon first dose.
Monoclonal Antibodies Risks
Monoclonal Antibodies Risks
Monoclonal antibodies, like natalizumab, can be highly effective but carry a risk of PML, a rare but serious brain infection. Stratifying PML risk is critical for patient safety.
B-Cell Therapies Uncovered
B-Cell Therapies Uncovered
B-cell therapies, such as ocrelizumab, can deplete certain immune cells, potentially increasing cancer and infection risk. Long-term surveillance for these effects is ongoing in the MS community.
Oral Treatments Convenience
Oral Treatments Convenience
Oral treatments offer convenience but come with different side effects, including gastrointestinal issues, hypertension, and hair thinning. Patient lifestyle factors can influence drug choice.
Emerging Therapies Insight
Emerging Therapies Insight
Emerging therapies are exploring neuroprotection and remyelination. Side effect profiles are under investigation, but the potential for regeneration represents a major breakthrough in MS treatment.
Learn.xyz Mascot
What do MS disease-modifying therapies target?
Specific immune pathways
Symptom alleviation only
General health improvement