Understanding Cat Communication

Understanding Cat Body Language
Understanding Cat Body Language
Cats communicate through subtle body movements. Raised tails indicate friendliness, while a twitching tail can show irritation. Slow blinking at humans is a sign of trust and affection.
Purring's Hidden Meanings
Purring's Hidden Meanings
Purring isn't just for happiness. Cats also purr when they are in pain or frightened to comfort themselves. The frequency of purring can even promote healing and bone regeneration.
Unique Vocalizations Explained
Unique Vocalizations Explained
Cats have over 100 vocal sounds. Some growls and meows are specifically developed to communicate with humans, as they don't use these sounds to communicate with other cats.
The Purpose of Kneading
The Purpose of Kneading
Kneading, or 'making biscuits,' harks back to kittenhood when they knead their mother's belly for milk. As adults, it’s a sign of comfort and marking territory with scent glands in their paws.
Whisker Communication Insights
Whisker Communication Insights
Whiskers are highly sensitive and provide spatial awareness. Forward-facing whiskers indicate curiosity or a hunting mode, while whiskers pulled back show fear or aggression. They also help detect changes in the environment.
Cats' Healing Power
Cats' Healing Power
Cats' purring frequencies can heal bones, reduce pain, and lower stress in humans—a natural form of therapy.
Learn.xyz Mascot
What does a raised tail mean?