Feline Sensory Superpowers

Exceptional Night Vision
Exceptional Night Vision
Cats can see in light levels six times lower than what a human needs. Their retinas contain more rod cells, which are sensitive to dim light, allowing them to hunt effectively during the night.
Ultrasonic Hearing Abilities
Ultrasonic Hearing Abilities
Cats can hear ultrasonic frequencies up to 65 kHz, far beyond the human range of 20 kHz. This sensitivity helps them detect the ultrasonic communication of rodents and other small prey.
Sensitive Whiskers Function
Sensitive Whiskers Function
A cat’s whiskers, or vibrissae, are highly sensitive tactile hairs. They can detect minute changes in the environment, helping cats navigate in the dark and judge the width of spaces.
Superior Olfactory System
Superior Olfactory System
Cats possess around 200 million scent receptors in their nasal lining, compared to a human's 5 million. This powerful sense of smell is crucial for identifying food, marking territory, and recognizing other animals.
Taste Bud Peculiarities
Taste Bud Peculiarities
Unlike humans, cats lack taste receptors for sweetness. They have only around 470 taste buds, whereas humans have about 9,000. This makes them more reliant on their sense of smell when it comes to food.
Unique Clavicle Anatomy
Unique Clavicle Anatomy
Cats' clavicles are not attached to other bones, allowing them to always fit through any space their head can fit, no matter how small.
Learn.xyz Mascot
How much dimmer can cats see vs humans?
Six times lower light levels
Same light levels as humans
Three times higher light levels