Impro by Keith Johnstone: A Comprehensive Guide

Introduction to Impro
Introduction to Impro
Impro is a seminal work by Keith Johnstone, exploring the art of improvisation in theatre. It delves into freeing the human spirit, spontaneity, and creativity. Johnstone emphasizes the importance of playfulness and breaking away from societal constraints.
Status Transactions
Status Transactions
Johnstone introduces the concept of status transactions, where interactions are influenced by perceived rankings. Understanding these dynamics can help performers create more authentic scenes, as real-life interactions are often subject to subconscious status shifts.
Masks and Trance
Masks and Trance
The book explores masks and trance, revealing that masks can unlock hidden aspects of a performer’s personality. Johnstone’s exercises demonstrate how wearing a mask can induce a trance-like state, resulting in uninhibited and genuine performances.
Narrative Skills
Narrative Skills
Johnstone emphasizes the importance of narrative skills in improvisation. He argues that good stories emerge naturally when performers trust their instincts and listen to each other. This approach fosters creativity and enhances the storytelling experience.
Creativity and Playfulness
Creativity and Playfulness
Impro highlights the vital role of creativity and playfulness in improvisation. Johnstone encourages performers to embrace failure and take risks, fostering an environment where innovation thrives and unexpected, delightful moments can occur.
Surprising Impro Fact
Surprising Impro Fact
Keith Johnstone once used a gorilla mask to teach spontaneity, which led to unexpectedly profound performances by seasoned actors. Mascot
What is Impro about?
Exploring improv in theatre
History of theatre
Acting techniques