History of the Vienna State Opera

Birth of Vienna Opera
Birth of Vienna Opera
The Vienna Court Opera, precursor to the Vienna State Opera, was founded by Empress Maria Theresa in 1741. Known for its lavish productions, it quickly became a cultural epicenter of European opera.
Architectural Marvel Unveiled
Architectural Marvel Unveiled
In 1869, the Vienna State Opera House opened with Mozart's 'Don Giovanni.' Designed by architects Eduard van der Nüll and August Sicard von Sicardsburg, it exemplified neo-Renaissance style, despite initial public criticism.
A Phoenix Rises
A Phoenix Rises
Severely damaged in WWII, the Vienna State Opera was rebuilt, reopening in 1955 with Beethoven's 'Fidelio.' The reconstruction honoured the original architecture while modernizing its stage technology.
Innovating Opera Broadcasting
Innovating Opera Broadcasting
Vienna's Opera Ball, an annual event, showcases the intersection of culture and sociality. In 1955, the Vienna State Opera began live broadcasts, a pioneering step in bringing opera to a wider audience.
Global Opera Influence
Global Opera Influence
The Vienna State Opera has shaped operatic traditions worldwide, with directors like Gustav Mahler and Herbert von Karajan. It became a training ground for opera legends, influencing performance styles globally.
Opera House's Hidden River
Opera House's Hidden River
The Vienna State Opera was built over the Wien River, which was rerouted underground. This engineering feat added complexity to its construction.
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Who founded the Vienna Court Opera?
Empress Maria Theresa
Emperor Franz Joseph
Archduke Ferdinand