Arthur Miller and 'All My Sons': A Study

Arthur Miller's Life
Arthur Miller's Life
Born in 1915, Arthur Miller, a prominent American playwright, won the Pulitzer Prize for 'Death of a Salesman'. His 1947 play 'All My Sons' was a precursor, showcasing his societal concerns.
'All My Sons' Introduction
'All My Sons' Introduction
A gripping post-war play, 'All My Sons' explores the dark side of the American Dream, ethical dilemmas, and the consequences of personal actions on society.
Keller Family's Secret
Keller Family's Secret
The plot revolves around Joe Keller, who knowingly sold defective airplane parts during WWII, leading to the deaths of 21 pilots, an act that haunts his family.
Tragedy and Morality
Tragedy and Morality
Miller's play is a modern tragedy that questions absolute morality. It challenges the audience to consider the cost of their choices and the price of financial success.
Legacy of 'All My Sons'
Legacy of 'All My Sons'
Miller's work paved the way for socially conscious theater. 'All My Sons' remains a staple on stages worldwide, a testament to its enduring relevance and impact.
Miller's FBI File
Miller's FBI File
Arthur Miller was under FBI surveillance for over 20 years due to his political views and associations during the McCarthy era. Mascot
What year was Arthur Miller born?