Inaccessible Places Around the World

Snake Island, Brazil
Snake Island, Brazil
Ilha da Queimada Grande, or Snake Island, is home to the venomous golden lancehead pit viper. It's so dangerous that the Brazilian government has banned public access to protect people from harm.
North Sentinel Island, India
North Sentinel Island, India
This island is inhabited by the Sentinelese, an indigenous tribe that rejects contact with outsiders. The Indian government prohibits visits to protect both the tribe and visitors, as the tribe is hostile and the island is not modernized.
Heard Island, Australia
Heard Island, Australia
Located in the Southern Ocean, this island is one of the most remote places on Earth. It is a volcanic island covered with glaciers, and the Australian government restricts access due to its harsh weather conditions and ecological sensitivity.
Lascaux Caves, France
Lascaux Caves, France
Known for its prehistoric cave paintings, the Lascaux Caves are closed to the public to prevent damage from humidity and carbon dioxide. The delicate artwork, dating back 17,000 years, is at risk from human presence.
Area 51, USA
Area 51, USA
A U.S. Air Force base in Nevada, Area 51 is shrouded in secrecy. It's off-limits due to national security, fueling numerous conspiracy theories. The restricted zone surrounding it is heavily guarded and monitored.
Socotra Island, Yemen
Socotra Island, Yemen
Despite its alien landscapes, Socotra has more endemic species than the Galápagos Islands. Its unique trees and plants aren't found anywhere else on Earth. Mascot
Which island has a venomous snake?
Heard Island
Snake Island
North Sentinel