Understanding Lactose Intolerance

Understanding Lactose Intolerance
Understanding Lactose Intolerance
Lactose intolerance arises from a deficiency in lactase enzyme, affecting up to 75% of the global population. It's more prevalent in Asian, African, and Indigenous American adults compared to those of European descent.
Types of Lactose Intolerance
Types of Lactose Intolerance
There are three types: primary, secondary, and congenital. Primary is genetically predisposed, secondary caused by illness or injury, and congenital is a rare hereditary disorder present from birth.
Health Impacts Beyond Digestion
Health Impacts Beyond Digestion
Lactose intolerance can affect calcium and vitamin D absorption, leading to potential bone health issues. A balanced diet with appropriate supplements can mitigate these risks.
Plant-Based Milk Alternatives
Plant-Based Milk Alternatives
Almond, soy, oat, and rice milk are popular dairy alternatives. They're fortified with vitamins and minerals, but their nutritional profiles differ significantly from cow's milk and from each other.
Emerging Dairy-Free Options
Emerging Dairy-Free Options
New alternatives like hemp, flax, and quinoa milk offer unique nutritional benefits and cater to diverse dietary preferences. They're also sustainable options with lower environmental impact than traditional dairy.
Lactose-Free Dairy Innovations
Lactose-Free Dairy Innovations
Innovative lactose-free dairy products, created by adding lactase enzyme, allow individuals with lactose intolerance to enjoy the taste and nutritional benefits of dairy without discomfort.
Cooking Without Lactose
Cooking Without Lactose
Many traditional recipes can be adapted using dairy alternatives or lactose-free products. Nutritional yeast and coconut cream are among the ingredients that mimic cheese and creaminess in dishes.
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What causes lactose intolerance?
Lactase enzyme deficiency
Gluten enzyme deficiency
Low calcium levels