Introduction to Networking

Introduction to Networking
Introduction to Networking
A computer network is a system of interconnected devices that share resources and information. Networks can range from local to global scale, using wired or wireless communication protocols.
Network Topologies
Network Topologies
Network topologies define the layout of a network. Five common types include star, mesh, bus, ring, and tree, each with unique advantages, scalability, and fault tolerance characteristics.
OSI Model Explained
OSI Model Explained
The Open Systems Interconnection model has seven layers: Physical, Data Link, Network, Transport, Session, Presentation, and Application. Each layer specifies network functions and hardware or software standards.
TCP/IP Protocol Suite
TCP/IP Protocol Suite
TCP/IP is the foundational protocol suite of the internet. It ensures data transmission across diverse networks, using IP for addressing and routing, and TCP for reliable delivery.
Network Security
Network Security
Network security protects data during transmission. Key measures include firewalls, encryption, secure protocols like SSL/TLS, and intrusion detection systems to prevent unauthorized access and data breaches.
Wireless Networking
Wireless Networking
Wireless networks use radio waves for communication, offering mobility and flexibility. Wi-Fi is a common standard, using IEEE 802.11 protocols. It's vital to secure wireless communications against eavesdropping.
Network Devices
Network Devices
Essential networking hardware includes routers, switches, hubs, and bridges. Each plays a role in directing data flow, with routers being the backbone of the internet, forwarding data packets. Mascot
What is a computer network?
Single connected device
Interconnected devices sharing resources
Standalone system for tasks