The Resilient Life of Tina Turner

Early Life Struggles
Early Life Struggles
Born as Anna Mae Bullock, Tina Turner faced a turbulent childhood in Nutbush, Tennessee. She worked as a domestic helper before her rise to stardom, overcoming adversity and family separation.
Ike & Tina Turner
Ike & Tina Turner
Tina joined Ike Turner's band in the late '50s, eventually leading to the renowned duo 'Ike & Tina Turner.' Their act fused soul, rock, and rhythm and blues, trailblazing music genres.
Private Dancer Success
Private Dancer Success
1984 marked a turning point with her album 'Private Dancer.' The album won three Grammy Awards and is considered her comeback, establishing Turner as a solo pop music icon.
Buddhism Turnaround
Buddhism Turnaround
Tina credits Buddhism with transforming her life in the '70s. Chanting 'Nam Myoho Renge Kyo' provided her strength to endure and ultimately escape an abusive marriage and rebuild her career.
Beyond The Stage
Beyond The Stage
Turner's life story was portrayed in the biopic 'What's Love Got to Do with It.' Her autobiography 'I, Tina' delved into her professional journey and personal struggles, inspiring many.
Record-Breaking Tours
Record-Breaking Tours
Tina Turner holds the Guinness World Record for the largest paid audience for a solo concert. Over 180,000 fans attended her concert in Rio de Janeiro in 1988.
Later Years Renaissance
Later Years Renaissance
In recent years, Turner has enjoyed a renaissance, with a hit Broadway musical 'Tina' celebrating her life and the publication of a new memoir, reflecting on her spirituality and career. Mascot
What's Tina Turner's birth name?
Tina Turner
Anna Mae Bullock
Nutbush Queen