Understanding Complex PTSD

Understanding Complex PTSD
Understanding Complex PTSD
Complex PTSD results from repeated trauma over months or years, rather than a single event. It's characterized by deep emotional disturbance and a pervasive pattern of psychological harm.
Symptoms Beyond Standard PTSD
Symptoms Beyond Standard PTSD
Symptoms include difficulties with emotional regulation, consciousness, self-perception, distorted perceptions of perpetrators, and relations with others. Often, there's a loss of systems of meaning.
Childhood Trauma Connection
Childhood Trauma Connection
Complex PTSD is commonly linked with prolonged childhood abuse. Childhood trauma can profoundly affect personality development, attachment security, and the ability to form stable relationships.
Dissociation and Memory
Dissociation and Memory
Sufferers often experience dissociation, a psychological mechanism that disconnects from reality, affecting memory. This can lead to gaps in memory, especially of the traumatic events.
Treatment Approaches Vary
Treatment Approaches Vary
Treatment for Complex PTSD may include psychotherapy, such as EMDR or cognitive-behavioral therapy, and medication. A focus on safety, stabilization, and symptom reduction is crucial before processing trauma.
Trauma Alters Brain Structure
Trauma Alters Brain Structure
Repeated trauma can physically change brain regions responsible for emotion and memory, such as the hippocampus, amygdala, and prefrontal cortex, impacting mental health long-term.
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What characterizes Complex PTSD?
Single traumatic event
Repeated trauma over time
Sudden emotional disturbance