Trauma-Informed Care Essentials

Understanding Trauma Impact
Understanding Trauma Impact
Trauma-informed care recognizes widespread trauma impact and understands potential paths for recovery. It's not asking 'What's wrong with you?' but 'What happened to you?'.
Principles of Trauma-Informed Care
Principles of Trauma-Informed Care
Six key principles include Safety, Trustworthiness, Peer support, Collaboration, Empowerment, and Cultural, Historical, and Gender Issues acknowledgment. These principles guide patient interactions.
Secondary Traumatic Stress
Secondary Traumatic Stress
Caregivers can experience Secondary Traumatic Stress (STS) by absorbing trauma from those they help. Self-care and organizational support are crucial for worker resilience.
Trauma-Informed Physical Spaces
Trauma-Informed Physical Spaces
Trauma-informed environments minimize re-traumatization. Features include private spaces, calm colors, clear signage, and escape options to help individuals feel secure and respected.
Evaluating Trauma-Informed Care
Evaluating Trauma-Informed Care
Assessing trauma-informed care effectiveness involves monitoring patient engagement, staff satisfaction, and incident rates. Continuous feedback leads to service improvements.
Inherited Trauma Effects
Inherited Trauma Effects
Trauma can alter DNA, passing stress responses to future generations. This epigenetic change impacts descendants' mental health and resilience. Mascot
What does trauma-informed care focus on?
Diagnosing psychological issues
Patient's recovery paths
Medication management