Stats: More Than Numbers

Stats: More Than Numbers
Stats: More Than Numbers
Statistics is not just about numbers. It's a science that helps in understanding trends, making decisions, and predicting the future. It's vital in fields like medicine, economics, and environmental planning.
Descriptive vs Inferential
Descriptive vs Inferential
Descriptive statistics summarize data, such as mean and standard deviation. Inferential statistics use samples to make predictions about a population, involving concepts like confidence intervals and hypothesis testing.
Misleading Statistics
Misleading Statistics
Statistics can be deceptive. Misuse includes misleading graphs, cherry-picking data, and ignoring confounders. It's essential to critically evaluate sources and methods used to derive statistics.
Bell Curve Secrets
Bell Curve Secrets
The bell curve, or normal distribution, is not just a shape but a phenomenon. It's found in nature and human activities, showing that most things have an average with deviations on either side.
Statistical Significance
Statistical Significance
Statistical significance doesn't mean practical importance. It indicates whether a result is likely due to chance. A result can be statistically significant but have a negligible effect in the real world.
Correlation vs Causation
Correlation vs Causation
Correlation does not imply causation. Two variables can move together without one causing the other. Spurious correlations can lead to false conclusions without careful analysis.
The Power of Sample Size
The Power of Sample Size
Sample size affects the accuracy of statistical estimates. Larger samples tend to give more reliable results, but there's a point of diminishing returns. Sampling bias can also skew results, regardless of size. Mascot
What is statistics beyond numbers?
Just mathematical operations
Understanding trends, making decisions
Only for economic calculations