Statistics: Data Science Core

Statistics: Data Science Core
Statistics: Data Science Core
Statistics is fundamental in data science. It provides methods to collect, summarize, analyze, and draw conclusions from data, allowing for informed decision-making and predictions.
Descriptive vs Inferential
Descriptive vs Inferential
Descriptive statistics summarize data, such as mean and standard deviation. Inferential statistics infer properties about a population, using sample data and hypothesis testing.
The Bayesian Approach
The Bayesian Approach
Bayesian statistics offer a probabilistic approach to inference, incorporating prior knowledge with new data. It's pivotal in machine learning for updating beliefs as more information becomes available.
Understanding P-Values
Understanding P-Values
P-values assess how compatible your data is with a specific statistical model. A low p-value indicates that your data is unlikely under the null hypothesis, suggesting a significant effect.
Power Analysis Surprises
Power Analysis Surprises
Statistical power measures the likelihood of detecting an effect when there is one. Power analysis can determine sample sizes needed, often revealing larger sizes than initially expected.
Regression Analysis
Regression Analysis
Regression models the relationships between dependent and independent variables. It's not just linear; there's a plethora of models like logistic, polynomial, and Cox regression.
Machine Learning Statistics
Machine Learning Statistics
Statistics underpin machine learning algorithms. They help in understanding overfitting through concepts like bias-variance tradeoff, and model validation using cross-validation techniques. Mascot
What's fundamental to data science?
Statistical hypothesis testing
Statistics and informed decisions
Machine learning algorithms