The Evolution of Probability Theory

Gambling Origins
Gambling Origins
Probability theory's roots trace back to 16th-century gamblers. They sought to understand the mechanics of chance to increase their fortunes in games like dice.
Pascal and Fermat
Pascal and Fermat
Blaise Pascal and Pierre de Fermat laid probability's groundwork through correspondence in 1654, solving the 'problem of points' for divided stakes in interrupted games.
First Probability Text
First Probability Text
In 1657, Dutch mathematician Christiaan Huygens wrote the first book on probability, 'De Ratiociniis in Ludo Aleae', inspired by Pascal's and Fermat's discussions.
Probability and Jurisprudence
Probability and Jurisprudence
Probability theory influenced legal theory. In the 1700s, it aided in understanding the likelihood of events, crucial in judicial decisions regarding evidence and uncertainty.
Jacob Bernoulli's Contribution
Jacob Bernoulli's Contribution
Jacob Bernoulli's 'Ars Conjectandi', published posthumously in 1713, expanded probability to include complex problems in economics, social science, and moral philosophy.
Normal Distribution Emerges
Normal Distribution Emerges
Abraham de Moivre's 1733 'Doctrine of Chances' introduced the normal distribution curve, a fundamental concept in statistics and probability theory.
Unexpected Applications
Unexpected Applications
Initially applied to gambling and astronomy, probability now underpins various fields, from weather forecasting to quantum physics and even artificial intelligence. Mascot
Who sought to understand chance in the 16th-century?
16th-century astronomers
16th-century mathematicians
16th-century gamblers