The Significance of Names in Frankenstein's Narrative

Naming Conventions
Naming Conventions
Historically, surnames reflect lineage or occupation. Victor Frankenstein, as the 'creator,' could pass his name to his creation, akin to a paternal relationship.
Literary Interpretation
Literary Interpretation
Mary Shelley never named the creature. The lack of a name reflects the creature's existential plight and societal rejection.
Modern Perspectives
Modern Perspectives
Contemporary views on identity might support the creature adopting the Frankenstein name to signify his origin and assert self-defined identity.
The Creator's Burden
The Creator's Burden
Victor's refusal to name the creature symbolizes his denial of responsibility. Names carry significance in acceptance and legitimacy.
Cultural Misconceptions
Cultural Misconceptions
Popular culture often misattributes the name 'Frankenstein' to the creature, reflecting widespread misunderstanding of Shelley's narrative.
Legal Implications
Legal Implications
In a legal context, without formal adoption or recognition, the creature would not automatically be a 'Frankenstein.' Mascot
Why lacks creature a name?
Shelley's oversight in writing
Reflects existential plight, rejection
Creature refused a name