Understanding PPE Basics

Understanding PPE Basics
Understanding PPE Basics
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is crucial for safety during cleaning. PPE includes items worn to minimize exposure to hazards causing serious injuries and illnesses.
Essential PPE Selection
Essential PPE Selection
For cleaning and disinfection, essential PPE includes gloves, gowns, eye protection, and masks. Selection depends on the chemicals used and the potential for splash.
Gloves: Types and Uses
Gloves: Types and Uses
Use disposable gloves made of nitrile, latex, or vinyl. When using bleach, ensure gloves are bleach-compatible. Change gloves if torn, and always wash hands after removal.
Protective Gowns or Aprons
Protective Gowns or Aprons
Gowns/aprons prevent clothing contamination. They should be waterproof if using liquid disinfectants. Some gowns are disposable, while others are reusable and must be cleaned properly after use.
Eye Protection Nuances
Eye Protection Nuances
Safety goggles or face shields protect against splashes entering the eyes. Eyeglasses don't provide sufficient protection. Goggles should fit snugly and be anti-fog for clear vision.
Respiratory Protection
Respiratory Protection
Masks range from basic surgical masks to N95 respirators. Use higher protection if exposed to airborne hazards or working in poorly ventilated areas with disinfectant fumes.
PPE Disposal and Care
PPE Disposal and Care
PPE must be disposed of or disinfected properly to prevent contamination. Follow specific disposal guidelines for hazardous waste, and never reuse disposable PPE.
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What does PPE stand for?
Personal Protective Equipment
Public Protection Equipment
Personal Preventive Equipment