Introduction to Round Slings

Introduction to Round Slings
Introduction to Round Slings
Round slings, versatile lifting tools, are made from high-strength, continuous looped synthetic fibers. They're essential for delicate or highly-polished loads due to their soft, flexible nature.
Distinctive Color Coding
Distinctive Color Coding
Round slings feature unique color coding to indicate weight capacity. This system simplifies identification and enhances workplace safety by preventing mismatches in lifting capabilities.
Load-Bearing Fiber Core
Load-Bearing Fiber Core
The core of round slings is constructed from multiple wound-together strands, providing exceptional strength. This design ensures even load distribution, reducing stress on individual fibers.
Abrasion-Resistant Sleeves
Abrasion-Resistant Sleeves
Protective sleeves surround the fiber core of round slings. Not only do they shield against abrasion and UV damage, but they also contain wear indicators to signal replacement.
Versatile Choker Hitch
Versatile Choker Hitch
Round slings excel in choker hitch applications. The sling's flexibility allows it to snugly grip the load, offering superior holding power and control during lifting operations.
Maintenance and Inspection
Maintenance and Inspection
Regular maintenance is crucial. Inspections should occur before each use, looking for tears, cuts, or abrasions. Damaged slings must be removed from service immediately to ensure safety.
Surprising Durability Facts
Surprising Durability Facts
Round slings can withstand temperatures ranging from -60°C to +200°C without losing strength. Additionally, they're impervious to mildew and won't lose integrity due to age or sunlight. Mascot
What are round slings made from?
Steel cables
Synthetic fibers
Natural rope