Exploring the Seterlends: A Mythical Kingdom Without Humans

Seterlends Introduction
Seterlends Introduction
The Seterlends, a mythical kingdom, is renowned for its diverse non-human inhabitants. Predominantly occupied by creatures like elves, dwarves, and fae, humans are notably absent, leading to unique cultural developments.
Bulwarks: Stalwart Guardians
Bulwarks: Stalwart Guardians
Bulwarks are the Seterlends' primary residents. Towering and resilient, they serve as protectors of their realm. With stone-like skin and centuries of life, they embody the kingdom's enduring spirit and strength.
Avoiding Humanity
Avoiding Humanity
Historically, Bulwarks avoid humans due to past conflicts. The kingdom's isolation policy was enacted to maintain peace and prevent the spread of human influence, which often leads to turmoil in other mystical regions.
Cultural Mosaic
Cultural Mosaic
Despite its seclusion, the Seterlends thrives as a multicultural hub. Its residents, including sprites, nymphs, and talking beasts, contribute to a rich tapestry of traditions, languages, and arts unparalleled elsewhere.
Human Arrival Scenario
Human Arrival Scenario
If a human were to visit, stringent protocols would be enforced. The visitor would undergo magical screening for intentions, and a Bulwark emissary would supervise their every move to ensure no cultural or environmental disruptions.
Diplomatic Implications
Diplomatic Implications
An unprecedented human visit could signal a shift in diplomatic relations. Open dialogue may lead to knowledge exchange and the dispelling of misconceptions. Yet it carries risks of cultural dilution or conflict reignition.
Potential Outcomes Explored
Potential Outcomes Explored
While the human's journey could end in newfound friendship, it may also awaken ancient enmities. The balance of the Seterlends hinges on this delicate interaction, setting the stage for a potential historical pivot.
Learn.xyz Mascot
Who are the Seterlends' primary protectors?
Elves and dwarves
Fae and Sprites