Exploring the Life and Legacy of Pythagoras

Introducing Pythagoras
Introducing Pythagoras
Pythagoras was an ancient Greek philosopher and mathematician. He founded his own religious movement known as Pythagoreanism.
Beyond The Theorem
Beyond The Theorem
While widely known for the Pythagorean theorem, his contributions extend to philosophy, ethics, and metaphysics.
A Secretive Brotherhood
A Secretive Brotherhood
Pythagoras's followers, the Pythagoreans, formed a secretive society, sharing beliefs in mathematics, mysticism, and reincarnation.
Vegetarianism Advocate
Vegetarianism Advocate
Pythagoras promoted vegetarianism, believing that all living beings had souls and deserved compassion.
Musical Contributions
Musical Contributions
He profoundly influenced music theory, demonstrating the connection between mathematics and musical harmony.
Pythagorean Mathematical Discoveries
Pythagorean Mathematical Discoveries
The Pythagoreans discovered irrationals, unsettling the belief that numbers could represent all aspects of reality.
Legacy and Influence
Legacy and Influence
Pythagoras's ideas resonated through antiquity, influencing Plato and the development of Western philosophy and science.
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Who was Pythagoras?
A Greek philosopher and mathematician
A Roman emperor
A playwright